513 This document has been modified. Do you want to save changes?\n\n Yes: Saves your changes\n No: Discards your changes\n Cancel: Keeps this document open
514 Internet Explorer cannot go to the specified page.\n\n%1!.1023ws!
517 SSL secured (40 Bit)
518 SSL Secured (128 Bit)
519 SSL secured (Fortezza)
520 SSL secured (56 Bit)
556 ie
557 6.0
576 &Edit
609 Finding site: %s
610 Connecting to site %s
611 Redirecting to site: %s
612 Start downloading from site: %s
613 Downloading from site: %s
614 Downloading from site: %s
615 Start downloading component %s
616 Installing component %s
617 End downloading component %s
618 Getting data from cache %s
619 Web site found. Waiting for reply...
620 Detecting proxy settings...
711 Unknown
716 This channel is password-protected. You will not be able to synchronize this channel without a username and password. If you know your username and password, click Customize and use the wizard to enter them. If you don't want this channel available offline, uncheck 'Make available offline'.
723 Microsoft Internet Explorer
724 Cannot find '%1!.1023ws!'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.
726 Microsoft Internet Explorer
727 Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site %1!.1023ws!.\n\n%2!.1023ws!
728 Internet Explorer cannot download %1!.1023ws!.\n\n%2!.1023ws!
730 %1!.1023ws! from %2!.1023ws!
731 Download complete
734 A shortcut to the current page will be placed on your desktop.
735 An unexpected error has occurred.\n
736 Saving:
737 Opening:
738 %1!.1023ws! (%2!.1023ws! of %3!.1023ws! copied)
1017 Microsoft Internet Explorer <0d>.<1d2>.<2d4>.<3d><4s><5s>
1020 (untitled)
1030 Folder Options
1031 Internet Options
1060 Would you like to import your original wallpaper into the Active Desktop? This will restore your wallpaper to the way it looked before you installed Internet Explorer 4.0.
8028 A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.\n\nDo you want to abort the script?
8030 An ActiveX control on this page is not safe. \nYour current security settings prohibit running unsafe controls on this page. \nAs a result, this page may not display as intended.
8031 This page provides potentially unsafe information to an ActiveX control. Your current security settings prohibit running controls in this manner. As a result, this page may not display correctly.
8032 The page cannot be refreshed without resending the information.\nClick Retry to send the information again,\nor click Cancel to return to the page that you were trying to view.
8033 Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly.
8034 Mismatched or improperly closed XML tag at "<1s><2s>" on line <0d>.
8035 A Runtime Error has occurred.\nDo you wish to Debug?
8036 <0i>\n\nLine: <2d>\nError: <3s>
8037 Could not set the desktop item.
8114 Save HTML Document|htm|HTML File (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
8116 Save Picture|gif|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8117 Save Picture|jpg|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8118 Save Picture|bmp|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8119 Save Picture|xbm|XBM (*.xbm)|*.xbm|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8120 Save Picture|art|ART (*.art)|*.art|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8121 Save Picture|wmf|WMF (*.wmf)|*.wmf|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8122 Save Picture|emf|EMF (*.emf)|*.emf|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8123 Save Picture|avi|AVI (*.avi)|*.avi|
8124 Save Picture|mpg|MPEG (*.mpg)|*.mpg|
8125 Save Picture|mov|MOV (*.mov)|*.mov|
8126 Save Picture||Original (*.*)|*.*|
8127 untitled.bmp
8128 untitled.html
8129 <0s>\Internet Explorer Wallpaper.bmp
8130 This type of document does not have a security certificate.
8138 Save Picture|png|PNG (*.png)|*.png|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8154 (<0d> item<0p//s/> remaining)
8155 Downloading picture <0s>...
8156 Generating page <0s>...
8157 Opening page <0s>...
8160 Installing components...<0s>
8167 Downloading data <0s>...
8169 Done
8170 Loading dataset...
8171 Databinding...
8172 Shortcut to <0s> <1s>
8173 <0s> at <1s>
8174 Sends mail to <0s>
8175 (local)
8176 (Gopher)
8177 (FTP)
8178 (secure Web site)
8193 Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site <0s>.\n\n<1s>
8194 Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?
8195 Internet Security
8196 You can search this index. Type the keyword(s) you want to search for:
8197 Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.
8201 FontName
8202 FontSize
8203 FontBold
8204 FontItalic
8205 FontUnder
8207 BackColor
8209 BorderColor
8210 BorderStyle
8211 TextAlign
8212 SpecialEffect
8213 FontSuperscript
8214 FontSubscript
8300 <undefined>
8301 null
8302 true
8303 false
8400 This document contains the following shortcuts:
8600 Form posted from Microsoft Internet Explorer.
8601 Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed
8602 This form is being submitted using e-mail.\nSubmitting this form will reveal your e-mail address to the recipient,\nand will send the form data without encrypting it for privacy.\n\nYou may continue or cancel this submission.
9000 A value could not be saved into the data source's '<0s>' field.\n<1s>\n\nDiscard changed value?
9001 A type conversion error occurred.
9002 The data source record was previously deleted.
9003 The data source field is read-only.
9004 The value is not consistent with the data source's constraints.
9005 Operation was cancelled.
9006 Operation failed with status <1d>.
10001 Contains commands for the clipboard, finding text, and editing links.
10002 Contains commands for controlling the display of your page.
10003 Contains commands for inserting elements into the page.
10004 Contains commands for formatting the selected elements on the page.
10015 Copies the selection to the Clipboard.
10016 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard.
10017 Deletes the selection.
10025 Inserts an ActiveX Object.
10026 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.
10028 Edits the current selection's properties.
10029 Redoes the previously undone action.
10031 Selects all of the items on this page.
10032 ishortct.url
10033 New Internet Shortcut.url
10034 The name "%1!.1023ws!" specified in the Target URL box is not valid. Make sure the name is correct.
10035 The protocol "%1!.1023ws!" does not have a registered program. Do you want to keep this target anyway?
10036 Problem with Shortcut
10037 This Internet Shortcut cannot be opened because %1!.1023ws! failed to run.
10038 There is not enough free memory to open this Internet Shortcut. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
10039 Unable to open this Internet Shortcut. The protocol "%1!.1023ws!" does not have a registered program.
10040 The target "%1!.1023ws!" of this Internet Shortcut is not valid. Go to the Internet Shortcut property sheet and make sure the target is correct.
10041 Unable to open Internet Shortcut "%1!.1023ws!".
10043 Undoes the last action.
10046 Internet Shortcut
10047 URL:%s Protocol
10048 %sLast Visited: %s
10049 %sLast Updated: %s
10050 %sWhat's New: %s
10052 Cannot apply changes to this Internet Shortcut.
10053 %s%s
10054 %sAuthor: %s
10055 %sSubject: %s
10056 %sComments: %s
10057 %sTitle: %s
10064 Opens this page.
10065 Synchronize this page now
10066 Saves this page for offline viewing.
10067 Searches for text on this page.
10090 Sets formatting for current selection.
10240 &Open
10241 Open &Home Page
10560 The httpFolder behavior (iepeers.dll) failed to load.
12124 Inserts or edits a link.
12125 Removes links in selection.
12126 Browse this page.
12127 Edit this page.
12128 Removes bookmarks in selection.
12130 Shows or hides the toolbar.
12131 Shows or hides the status bar.
12132 Shows or hides formatting indicators.
12133 Hides all elements except text.
12135 Changes the options for Internet Explore.
12136 Opens selected link in current window.
12137 Opens selected link in a new window.
12138 Stops opening a file.
12139 Displays the source (HTML) for this page.
12141 Selects smallest font size.
12142 Selects small font size.
12143 Selects medium font size.
12144 Selects large font size.
12145 Selects largest font size.
12150 Inserts a horizontal line.
12151 Inserts line break, ignoring images.
12152 Inserts line break below left-aligned images.
12153 Inserts line break below right-aligned images.
12154 Inserts line break below images.
12155 Inserts a space that won't line break.
12156 Inserts a symbol or international character.
12168 Inserts a picture from a file.
12182 Inserts a marquee control.
12183 Creates or changes bulleting or numbering.
12186 Increases indent.
12187 Removes indent.
12292 Changes the language encoding of the document.
12304 %s has been removed from this computer. Do you want to clean up your personalized settings for this program?
12310 Opens script debugger.
12311 Jumps to script debugger before next script statement is executed.
12341 The Web page you are viewing is trying to close the window.\n\nDo you want to close this window?
12544 %s has requested information from you
12545 Profile Assistant
12546 You have chosen to allow this site to read your profile information for \none visit only. If you want to make sure the site does not remember \nyour profile information, you may want to disable 'Internet cookies' \nfrom the 'Advanced' tab of the Internet Options dialog.
12547 <Blank>
12548 All items you have agreed to share with this site are blank.\nWould you like to enter this information now?
12608 This site
12624 Common Name
12625 First Name
12626 Last Name
12627 Middle Name
12628 Gender
12629 Cellular Phone
12630 E-mail
12631 Personal Home Page
12632 Company
12633 Department
12634 Job Title
12635 Pager
12636 Home Address
12637 City (Home)
12638 Zip Code (Home)
12639 State (Home)
12640 Country/Region (Home)
12641 Home Phone
12642 Fax (Home)
12643 Business Address
12644 City (Business)
12645 Zip Code (Business)
12646 State (Business)
12647 Country/Region (Business)
12648 Business Phone
12649 Fax (Business)
12650 Business Home Page
12651 Office
12656 Back to %s
12657 Forward to %s
12704 Can not determine what this information is used for.
12705 Used solely to administer the system and its rules, such as identifying problems at the site.
12706 Used for research and product development.
12707 Used to complete a current transaction, such as a purchase.
12708 Used to customize the content and design of the site for you.
12709 Used to improve the content of the site including advertisements.
12710 Used to send you Web site updates.
12711 Used to contact you for marketing of services or products.
12712 Combined with other information about you.
12713 Used by site for other purposes.
12714 Disclosed to others for customization or improvement of the content and design of the site.
12715 Disclosed to others who may contact you for marketing of services and/or products.
12716 Disclosed to others who may contact you for marketing of services and/or products. You will have an opportunity to ask the site not to do this.
12717 Disclosed to others for any purposes.
13088 Title: %s\n\nAbstract:\n%s
13089 Details >>
13090 Details <<
13105 By &Date
13106 By S&ite
13107 By &Most Visited
13108 By &Order Visited Today
13110 Done, but with errors on page.
13111 Error on page.
13140 _files
13141 %s%03d.tmp
13142 Save Web Page|htm|Web Page, complete (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Web Archive, single file (*.mht)|*.mht|Web Page, HTML only (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
13143 Save Web Page|htm|Web Page, HTML only (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
13144 untitled
13147 Error Saving Web Page
13148 There is insufficient memory to save this Web Page.
13149 This Web page could not be saved.
13150 The Web page could not be saved to the selected location.
13151 The Web page could not be saved because the disk is full.
13152 Web Page save canceled.
13153 Saving: %s to %s.
13154 %d%% complete.
13155 The Web page could not be saved because one of its files is missing.
13156 Save Web Page|htm|Web Page, complete (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Web Page, HTML only (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
13189 Error Converting Bookmarks
13190 Not a valid bookmark file
13191 Couldn't open bookmarks file
13192 Unable to download favorites
13193 Successfully imported favorites
13194 Unable to export favorites
13195 Successfully exported favorites
13196 Unable to download cookies
13197 Successfully imported cookies
13198 Unable to export cookies
13199 Successfully exported cookies
13200 Save Favorites As HTML File
13201 Import Bookmarks HTML into Favorites
13202 Please enter a valid URL or complete path and filename
13203 Import Favorites
13204 Export Favorites
13205 Import Cookies
13206 Export Cookies
13207 Are you sure you want to import '%s' to your Favorites folder?
13208 Are you sure you want to export your Favorites to '%s'?
13209 Favorites cannot be imported because modification of favorites on this machine has been disabled.
13210 Exporting of favorites has been disabled on this machine.
13211 Select Folder to Import Bookmarks into or Export Favorites from.
16041 Refreshes the contents of the current page.
16042 Refreshes the contents of the current frame.
16384 Opens a document in this window.
16385 Saves changes.
16386 Saves this document as a file.
16387 Changes paper, headers and footers, orientation, and margins for this page.
16388 Prints this page.
16390 Displays the properties of this document.
16391 Removes the selected items and copies them to the clipboard.
16392 Copies the selected items to the clipboard.
16393 Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.
16394 Opens the current page again.
16395 Cancels the current download.
16398 Opens your start page.
16399 Opens/closes your search bar.
16403 Opens a new Internet Explorer window.
16404 Adds the current page to your Favorites folder.
16405 Previews how this document will print.
16406 Prints the document in the selected frame.
16407 Creates a new mail message.
16409 Sends this page by e-mail or to your desktop.
16410 Sends this page in the body of an e-mail message.
16411 Sends a link to this page in an e-mail message.
16412 Creates a shortcut to this page on your desktop
16464 Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
16465 Opens Help.
16466 Opens the Web tutorial page (on the Internet).
16470 Opens the Windows Update Web page to update components.
16472 Opens the Microsoft Product Support page.
16473 Opens a Microsoft Web page where you can provide feedback about this program.
16479 Displays information about switching to Internet Explorer from Netscape.
16502 Imports and exports your favorites and bookmarks.
16514 Open a new document.
16515 Post a new article.
16516 Create a new Appointment.
16517 Schedule a new Meeting.
16518 Create a new contact.
16519 Create a new Task.
16520 Request a new Task.
16521 Create a new Journal Entry.
16522 Create a new Note.
16523 Make a new call.
16897 Import Favorites
16898 Import favorites from another browser or file.
16899 Export Favorites
16900 Export favorites to another browser or file.
16901 Import Cookies
16902 Import cookies from another browser or file.
16903 Export Cookies
16904 Export cookies to another browser or file.
16905 Import/Export Selection
16906 You can select what to import or export.
16907 Import Favorites Source
16908 You can select where to import your favorites from.
16909 Import Favorites Destination Folder
16910 Select the folder where the imported favorites will be placed.
16911 Export Favorites Source Folder
16912 Select which folder you want to export from.
16913 Export Favorites Destination
16914 Select where you would like your favorites exported to.
16915 Import Cookies Source
16916 You can select where we should import your cookies from.
16917 Export Cookies Destination
16918 You can select where we should export your cookies to.
16919 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
16920 Cannot find %s.\nPlease choose another file.
16921 Import the cookies from %s
16922 Export the cookies to %s
16923 Import the favorites from %s
16924 Export the favorites to %s
16925 Import/Export Wizard
16926 Netscape versions less than 4.0
16927 Netscape Navigator 4.0 profile: %s
16928 Netscape Navigator profile: %s
16929 Select Bookmark File
16930 Select Cookie File
16931 HTML files (*.htm, *.html)@*.htm;*.html@All (*.*)@*.*@
16932 Text files (*.txt)@*.txt@All (*.*)@*.*@
16933 cookies.txt
16934 bookmark.htm
16935 \..\Users
17152 Saved by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
17153 Saving
20015 Copy
20016 Cut
20018 Font Name
20019 Font Size
20026 Paste
20027 Print
20028 Properties
20029 Redo
20043 Undo
20051 Background Color
20052 Bold
20055 Font Color
20056 Italic
20057 Center Justify
20059 Left Justify
20060 Right Justify
20063 Underline
20070 Save
20512 Temporary Internet Files
20513 The Temporary Internet Files folder contains Web pages stored on your hard disk for quick viewing. Your personalized settings for Web pages will be left intact.
20514 &View Files
20515 Offline Web Pages
20516 Offline pages are Web pages that are stored on your computer so you can view them without being connected to the Internet. If you delete these pages now, you can still view your favorites offline later by synchronizing them. Your personalized settings for Web pages will be left intact.
20517 &View Pages
20825 Internet Host
20826 Time Period
20827 Internet Address
20828 Local File Name
20829 Status
20830 Size
20831 Type
20832 Last Modified
20833 Expires
20834 Last Accessed
20835 Last Checked
20836 None
20838 Last Visited
20839 Number of Visits
20840 What's New
20841 Description
20842 Author
20843 Title
20844 Last Updated
20845 Name
20846 My Computer
20847 Today
20848 %1!.1023ws! to %2!.1023ws!
20849 Week of %1!.1023ws!
20850 Pages visited at %s
20851 Pages visited %s
20852 Pages visited in week starting %1!.1023ws!
20853 Pages visited from %1!.1023ws! to %2!.1023ws!
20854 Pages visited Today
20855 %d Weeks Ago
20856 Last Week
20857 File
20858 (%s)
20861 Opens the selected items.
20862 Copies the selected items to the clipboard.
20863 Deletes the selected items.
20864 Displays the properties of the selected items.
20890 Sorts items alphabetically by title.
20891 Sorts items alphabetically by Internet address.
20892 Sorts items by last visited time.
20893 Sorts items by last updated time.
20900 Sorts items alphabetically by name.
20901 Sorts items alphabetically by Internet address.
20902 Sorts items by size, from smallest to largest.
20903 Sorts items by expiration time.
20904 Sorts items by last modified time.
20905 Sorts items by last accessed time.
20906 Sorts items by last checked time.
20980 Are you sure you want to delete History Item: %s ?
20981 Are you sure you want to delete these %d History items ?
20982 Are you sure you want to delete the selected Cookie(s) ?
20995 %s bytes
21000 %sKB
21001 %sMB
21002 %sGB
21003 %sTB
22000 Open HTML Document
22001 New HTML Document
22005 Spell Check
22006 Paste Format
22124 Link
22150 Horizontal Line
22168 Image
22184 Numbered List
22185 Bulleted List
22186 Increase Indent
22187 Decrease Indent
22231 Page Information
22232 Teletype
22234 Paragraph Style
22235 Show/Hide Codes
22236 Table
22247 Subscript
22248 Superscript
22350 Left-To-Right Document
22351 Right-To-Left Document
22352 Left-To-Right Paragraph
22353 Right-To-Left Paragraph
22354 Left-To-Right Selection
22355 Right-To-Left Selection
24576 The target you specified is on the desktop.
24577 Find Target
24578 Reset Web Settings
24579 Your Web settings have been reset to their original Internet Explorer defaults.
24580 Unable to reset Web settings.
24583 Windows cannot navigate to this location. %1!ls!
24584 Cannot Navigate
24585 Cascading Style Sheet Document
25856 MSIEPrivacySettings
25857 formatVersion
25858 p3pCookiePolicy
25859 zone
25860 internet
25861 intranet
25862 trustedSites
25863 action
25864 firstParty
25865 thirdParty
25866 noPolicyDefault
25867 noRuleDefault
25868 accept
25869 prompt
25870 forceFirstParty
25871 forceSession
25872 reject
25873 alwaysAllowSession
25874 yes
25875 no
25876 if
25877 expr
25878 alwaysReplayLegacy
25879 flushCookies
25880 flushSiteList
25881 MSIESiteRules
25882 site
25883 domain
25884 MSIEPrivacy
28672 Windows Media Player 7 or greater is needed to play this file in Internet Explorer. Since it is not installed on your machine, Internet Explorer will launch your default media player to play this file. To enable playback of media in Internet Explorer in the future, check "Play web media in the bar" in the Media Options menu of the Media Bar.
28673 Windows Media Player not installed
28674 You clicked an audio or video link. Internet Explorer can play this in its own window, so it will be easier for you to see or hear it while still browsing the Web. Clicking Yes will also install the latest version of Windows Media Player on your computer.\n\nDo you want to play the item in Internet Explorer?